Join us in City Hall
We typically meet in-person on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in Hearing Room 3 (Oakland City Hall). Over time, we’d like to add virtual meetings as well. Joining our meetup group is the best way to hear about upcoming events.
We welcome people of all skill levels and disciplines. If you need accessibility assistance, please email
Past Events
Jump to: OpenOakland Voices | Demo Night | National Day of Civic Hacking | National Day of Service | Open Data Day
OpenOakland Voices
We love having folks from the community share the work they’re doing and exploring how OpenOakland might support and amplify those efforts. Want to be part of OpenOakland Voices? Submit your idea.

OpenOakland Voices: Tracking Local Legislation
with Jackson Brown of the Council Data Project
Jackson shares the Council Data Project's approach to making city councils more accessible to the public, tracking legislative action, improving inclusion through machine learning and other challenges.
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OpenOakland Voices: Delivering Services to Oakland's Unhoused Communities
with Code for America Oakland Community Fellows Adorable Jasmine, Amee Covarrubias and Tori Howard
The Code for America Oakland Community Fellows discuss their work with the city designing an app to help front-line workers connect Oakland's unhoused communities with the services they need, how the South African Zulu principle of Ubuntu fuels their design work, the challenges of government platform constraints, and so much more.
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OpenOakland Voices: Oakland's Equity Analysis Framework
with Darlene Flynn, Director of Race & Equity, City of Oakland
Darlene shares her work on the city's Equity Analysis framework, followed by a Q&A and member discussion about how to apply these principles to our work.
View on YouTubeLatest Demo Night
OpenOakland project teams share brief progress updates on the first Tuesday of each month.
National Day of Civic Hacking
A Code for America-sponsored event, National Day of Civic Hacking is an opportunity to come together as a brigade network, focus our efforts, provide dedicated resources to volunteers, amplify actions across the country and leverage the collective power of Code for America’s resources.

Alameda County Ballot Drop-off & OpenOakland access
National Day of Civic Hacking 2020
OpenOakland and area brigade members focused on

Civic Action for Justice
National Day of Civic Hacking 2019
Oaklanders of all stripes joined OpenOakland and the Code for America brigade network to help improve the experience of those impacted directly by the criminal justice system. We conducted usability reviews of Alameda County's and California's records clearance process and developed Know Your Rights guides.
View the Recap Event detailsNational Day of Service
OpenOakland has participated in National Day of Service by hosting a space for developers, designers, advocates, and community organizers to join forces to address important community needs that impact Oakland residents.

Civic Engagement in the Digital Age
OpenOakland Day of Service 2019
Oakland residents, students, community leaders, city staff, artists, developers and designers, and journalists spent the day tackling our partners' tech challenges through collaboration and service delivery.
Event detailsOpen Data Day
Open Data Day is an opportunity for Oaklanders to learn about and work with data to benefit their local community.

Public Record Requests as Open Data
National Open Data Day 2019
Our panel discusses how to file a data request in California and Oakland, and the Sunshine laws that govern requests and data retention.
View on YouTube Event Details