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Reflecting on 8 Years of Partnership: OpenOakland and the Public Ethics Commission
On April 4, 2023, Suzanne Doran (Acting Executive Director of the PEC), Michael Ubell and Colin King-Bailey (Open Disclosure project team) shared insights from their years of collaboration. This blog post is a summary of the discussion with video clips from the event!
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RADAR Program Exploration: Learnings from a Discovery Phase
Last year, several OpenOakland members kicked off a discovery phase for a potential service delivery program to serve local nonprofits. We were looking for ways to reduce project overhead while centering the specific needs of local community groups. Inspired by BetaNYC’s Research and Data Assistance Request (RADAR) initiative, we wondered if something similar might work here in Oakland. Despite wrapping up our discovery phase early due to pandemic life, we wanted to capture our initial learnings...
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